What is your favorite greasy spoon? Submitted by S@ngarang.
Sandy's Burgers! I love them... thursdays & saturdays the combos are on sale for 2.99. However I enjoy my greasy burgers with bacon and cheese, so my burgers end up being 4 bucks. They are so worth it.
What's something you should throw away, but can't?
I don't know if I should throw them away... I've stored old toys I bought for my kids... clothes... basinette, etc.. I should just get rid of them. I really should.
What was your favorite game to play at recess in grade school? Submitted by Elisheva Chana.
I spent many endless days & evenings playing hopscotch. I was a pro at it :)
Through the years I think I had a hand in every game there was to be played during recess. From the monkey bars to freeze tag... remember tug 'o war? Oh many.. what awesome memories.
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